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Active incident procedures

It can happen, and has..

Know what to do in active hostile situation

Although Australia is a safe country, we are still at risk from terrorist attacks.

In the unlikely event you are facing an attacker armed with a gun, knife or similar weapon, it is important to be prepared to react quickly Emergency Planning Australia can arrange training that contextualises to your organisation click here if you'd like for information.

You need to remember three words: ESCAPE. HIDE. TELL

  • ESCAPE – move quickly and quietly away from danger, but only if it is safe to do so.

  • HIDE – stay out of sight and silence your mobile phone.

  • TELL – call the police by dialling Triple Zero (000) when it is safe.

All situations are different. You will need to make quick decisions during an attack and be prepared to change your plan. Remembering the ESCAPE. HIDE. TELL principles will help in deciding what to do.

Emergency Planning Australia hold comprehensive sessions that can help your organisation response in the event of an active incident.

Online Training

The ESCAPE.HIDE.TELL. Online Course has been built utilising the Australian, NZ, Counter Terrorism Guidelines. The module will educate you on 6 key learnings, they include:

  • What is a hostile or terrorist event, and what are the threat levels in Australia / NZ

  • The types and threats

  • HOW to respond using the detailed ESCAPE.HIDE.TELL. Method

  • What to expect with Response and Recovery to a hostile / terrorist act

  • Prevention and Situational Awareness


ESCAPE.HIDE.TELL. Online Certification is given upon completion of the online module.

Face to Face Training

The ESCAPE.HIDE.TELL. Face to Face 1 hr workshop we con to you.

The face-to-face module includes:

  • What is a hostile or terrorist event, and what are the threat levels in Australia / NZ

  • The types and threats

  • HOW to respond using the detailed ESCAPE.HIDE.TELL. Method

  • What to expect with Response and Recovery to a hostile / terrorist act

  • Prevention and Situational Awareness

  • Builds on the knowledge gained and provides real life examples of Terrorism activity

  • Provide some basic defence techniques to save lives

  • Desk top exercise where all the learning comes together.


ESCAPE.HIDE.TELL. Face to Face Certificate is provided on completion of course.


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